Not My Pig. Not My Farm
We men have a hard time with relationship boundaries mostly because our “go to” reaction to anything negative is to fix it. When our wives are emoting and it’s coming fast and furious, we don’t know what to do. We come back at them with our head and defend, explain, tell them they are wrong for feeling that way, and try to solve the issue through logic. It. Doesn’t. Work. It actually makes things worse.
Orphan Behavior
I’ll be honest with you. I still struggle with my orphan behavior. I have found I need to stop and pause and ask myself, “What is the Truth?”, and “What lie is being whispered in my ear by the father of lies?”
Bootstrap Mentality
Do you ascribe to "bootstrap mentality"? If you're a hard-charging, successful executive - it's very likely. But how are your personal relationships doing with that way of living? Be honest. How aware are you of what's going on in your inner man?
Moving the Needle
Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘You can’t see the forest through the trees’? At ground level we feel like we’ve made zero progress. All I can see are trees everywhere.
Every Man’s Identity Crisis
When men meet each other for the first time, what’s the first question we ask? “What do you DO?” What happens when we strip away: O
Our role in the marketplace? Our role as fathers? Our role as husbands? Our role as sons? Our identities often come from these titles. Typically, when we ask men, "WHO are you?," they reply, "I don't know.”
Being a Safe Person
On any given day we interact with drivers, customers, co-workers, family members - and we react to what’s going on above the surface. Every one of us, though, has a lot of different emotions going on beneath the surface. Many of us have just stuffed them down and are completely unaware of what’s going on inside and why we are reacting to everything.