We mentor and walk with men needing hope.
You were created to be loved.
Walk in
You have been told a pack of lies about who you are. It is time to change the narrative and begin walking in truth.
Walk in
Life is far more than meaningless striving. You can live a life experiencing love and acceptance.
Never Walk Alone
We are sojourners on a path lived best when lived with others. Bringing Kingdom walks with you.
You don’t have to live a life of meaningless striving.
You need somewhere to go, but you don’t know where.
You need someone to talk to, but you don’t know who.
You need something to do, but you don’t know what.
There is a solution and we can help.
Get your life back, for the first time.
Break free from the tyranny of fear.
You can be a person who feels the love of the Father without anything to hide, prove or fear.
Feel accepted for who you are.
No more fitting in. Be received and welcomed as you are, in process.
Live a life you love, and be loved.
The life you imagined doesn’t have to stay in your imagination. There is an invitation to sit at the table.
We understand what it’s like to feel hopeless.
We care about men who have lost their identity as a Beloved Son. We care about you.
“This season of my life has been one of loss: Marriage. Career. Closeness with my kids. I needed someone who understood significant loss, could show empathy, and give clear direction. Steve was consistently the man I turned to and received the guidance I needed. I realized I was not alone, I was not stuck, and through God’s care, I could take the next step.”
“At some point, we realize that we can’t get to where we want to go without the help of others. We learn that life takes flight when we choose to authentically connect ourselves to people who can help us on our journey. Steve has been that person for me. He has not only been a safe person who can handle my best and worst, but someone who possesses the wisdom, knowledge, and experience to lead me where I ultimately want to go. ”
We walk you through the journey of becoming you.
Listen to your story.
Love you in your story.
Live the story God intended.
Walk the path of wholeness.
At Bringing Kingdom, we know you want to live a wholehearted life. You want the freedom to see yourself from God’s perspective and live out of your identity as a Beloved Son.
But growing up with brokenness has created a disconnect between your head and heart, and that feels hopeless. We understand what it’s like to feel that way, which is why we have been offering hope to all who cross our paths.
This is your invitation to stop living without hope, and instead experience unconditional love and acceptance for you who are.