What do we mean by “Bringing Kingdom”?

Here’s some background to paint the picture of how God has intended for us to live here on earth.  It goes back to the 1st century.  When the Roman Empire conquered a new territory, they would send out heralds or messengers to bring the good news or the gospel and inform the new territories that they were now a part of the Roman Empire. 

These new territories of Rome were now subject to Caesar and were expected to pay taxes, among others things, as members of this new government.

 When Jesus Christ came to earth, he ushered in the Kingdom of God. Jesus brought the Good News and the Gospel that said we are all children of the King! We have been adopted into his family and we are to live as Beloved Sons and Beloved Daughters of the King! How cool is that?

The Good News and the Gospel are more than just about salvation in Christ! That’s just the beginning. There’s so much more to living in freedom as a child of the King!

Jesus made it simple for us to live as members of his kingdom when he said there are really only two commands we need to follow:  

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.” - Matthew 22:37

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” - Matthew 22:39

Did you see those last four words of the second command?  We blow right past that and have little idea what that really means.  I can’t possibly love others if I don’t love myself.  It’s not a selfish, arrogant or narcissistic love.  It is realizing that we were all born to be loved by a tender, loving Father who relentlessly pursues us whether we see it, feel it, or know it.

As a citizen of this new kingdom that Jesus has ushered in, we are called to live life loving the Father and loving others. 

Bringing Kingdom happens every time a citizen of the Kingdom of God loves another human being as they love themself.  Going one step further - this ministry is about men realizing who they are and not what they do, and unlocking the Truth of what it means to live out of their identity as a Beloved Son of the King.