Give to Bringing Kingdom.

Bringing Kingdom is funded soley by the generosity of God’s People who have eyes to see and ears to hear. We have provided three simple ways you can give today to Bringing Kingdom. Donations can be made securely by Venmo, card, or check.


Scan the QR code or find
@Bringing-Kingdom on Venmo



To donate by credit or debit card, use the button or form below.


— OR —



Checks can be
mailed to

Bringing Kingdom
PO Box 4132
Suwanee, GA 30024

Bringing Kingdom is an IRS approved 501(c)3 and governed by a Board of Directors.

You’ve heard it said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” It means they’re lonely. It doesn’t have to be this way anymore. Bringing Kingdom is changing that story.

  • Recovery Counseling

    Not many understand the journey of recovery, and fewer understand the importance of walking this journey with Jesus. We’re here for it all. Whether it's spiritual formation, recovery from addiction, or just life coaching - we provide the support that will help you towards your goal of restoration!

  • Crisis Intensive

    When life has fallen apart, there’s a desperation to find a way to put the pieces back together. A crisis intensive is designed to help gain the tools and knowledge needed to get back on track. This half day or full day experience will offer a deep dive into every aspect of your life, from relationships to career, finances and spirituality.

  • Speaking

    We speak to men of all ages with different backgrounds who share one thing in common: they want stronger connections within themselves as well as those around them - as husbands, fathers, and friends. If you need a speaker for your men’s retreat, small group gathering, or faith community, we can help.

Helping men define their lives not by WHAT they do, but by WHO they are.

When men meet each other for the first time, what’s the first question we ask?

“What do you DO?”

What happens when we strip away... 

  • Our role in the marketplace?

  • Our role as fathers?

  • Our role as husbands?

  • Our role as sons?

Our identities often come from these titles. Typically, when we ask men, "WHO are you?," they reply, "I don't know."

 Your gift will change lives forever

When you give to Bringing Kingdom, you are investing in the future lives of men willing to come to terms with the second command Jesus gave us when he was here: “Love others as you love yourself.” We simply can’t love others at all if we can’t love ourselves as the Father does.

When we can love ourselves and be true to who we were created to be, the masks that have been covering our soul for so long will fall away. And when this happens in a man's life - peace begins to take its place instead of fear and confusion.

Bringing Kingdom is about bringing the hope and healing of the Kingdom realm within every realm of a man’s life.