Good Friday: Way More Than What We’ve Been Told!

As a kid I always wondered why does the Church call it Good Friday?  I remember thinking, “What’s good about Jesus dying?”  

Church tradition has taught us to automatically respond that Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin.  That is a true statement, but there’s more to it that will blow your mind.

Usually when we hear the word “gospel” or “good news,” our minds immediately tend to associate it with the Four Spiritual Laws and the plan of salvation.  Dr. Bill Bright wrote the Four Spiritual Laws in 1952 and God has used it to bring countless people to the cross, no doubt.  

We have to be careful here.  We humans are broken.  We like our formulas and boxes to be checked to make sure it’s “done right.”  

Now, if you look more closely at how the terms gospel and good news originated back in the 1st century, you may see something you haven’t seen before.  When you look at the culture and context of these words and how they were used, it brings new meaning to what Jesus was saying when he arrived on the scene. 

Originally this word was political in nature.  In the Greco-Roman world, from the time of Alexander the Great and on into the Roman Empire, this word was used to refer to history-making, world-shaping reports of political, military, or societal victories.  

When the Roman Empire conquered a new territory, they would send out heralds or messengers to bring the good news or the gospel and inform the new territories that they were now a part of the Roman Empire.  These new territories of Rome were now subject to Caesar and they were now expected to act accordingly and pay taxes, among others things, as members of this new government. 

When Jesus Christ came to earth, he used the same language so the people would understand just what he meant.  The Jewish people were looking for the Messiah to come and conquer the world, but Jesus was referring to the invisible kingdom.  

Jesus told us that he came to usher in the Kingdom of God, which he mentioned more than anything during his life on earth.  Jesus brought the Good News and the Gospel that said we are all children of the King! We have been adopted into his family and we are to live as Beloved Sons and Beloved Daughters of the King! 

The Good News and the Gospel are more than just about salvation in Christ!

That’s just the beginning, People of God!  It’s not just about salvation!  It’s not about behavior and checking boxes either.  We humans want formulas and to figure out the “rules” and tell everyone what they are “doing wrong.”  That’s why we have 30,000 different denominations!  

The Father just smiles down and loves us through it all and uses it for His glory,   However, there’s so much more to living in freedom as a child of the King!  You and I are adopted into royalty and it’s time we started living out of that identity that he has given each one of us, Amen??

It’s very simple yet we make it so difficult.  Remember, Jesus said we are to be like a child and have child-like faith. He made it simple for us to live as members of his kingdom when he said there are really only two commands we need to follow:  

1. “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.”   - Matthew 22:37

2. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself. - Matthew 22:39

As a citizen of this new kingdom that Jesus has ushered in, we are called to live life loving the Father and loving others. 

Did you happen to notice those last four words of the second command?  We blow right past that and have little idea what that really means.  I can’t possibly love others if I don’t love myself.  It’s not a selfish, arrogant or narcissistic love.  It is realizing that we were all born to be loved by a tender, loving Father who relentlessly pursues us whether we see it, feel it, or know it.

Bringing Kingdom happens every time a citizen of the Kingdom of God loves another human being as they love themself. 

Not preach at them. Not condemn them.  Not tell them they are doing it wrong.  Jesus didn’t do that.  Why do we do that?  We just need to love the next person the Father puts in front of us, plain and simple.  The Holy Spirit will do the rest.  

On this Good Friday I pray you have been blessed by this “good news” and it leads you to look at your identity and your life in a different way…a new fulfilling way to live and bless others by loving them as his Beloved Son and Beloved Daughter.  We are his chosen, personal messengers of love to those who are created in His image.

Remember, you were born to be loved (John 3:16). Go and love the Father and others as you love yourself!


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