It All Flows From Identity

When you interview for a job or meet someone for the first time and they ask you, “Tell me about yourself,” what do you say?

If you asked me a decade ago to tell you about myself, my answer would have been based on what I did, my achievements, and what others thought of me.  I would have listed the degrees I had earned, the roles I played in the community, and that I was a husband and dad. All these things are important, but it’s not who I AM.

If someone were to ask you, “Who are you?” . . . what would you say?

A dad? A mom? A college student? Son? Daughter? Grandfather? Grandmother? What about a VP of the company you work for? These are all titles or things we do. The basic question we are all trying to answer in life is, “Who am I?” 

To get to the heart of who we are, we need to see ourselves from God’s perspective. If we really saw ourselves the way HE sees us, life would be radically different. The Apostle Paul gives us that perspective in Colossians 3:12 . . .

“You are always and dearly loved by God!” (TPT) 

Now, I have read this and other verses countless times since I was a kid and it rolls right through my brain. Maybe you do the same, but do you really believe it in your heart? Do you get chills down your spine as it settles deep within you traveling from your head to your heart?

Maybe this will help.

Take the next ten minutes of your day right now and listen to this song by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser called, “I Am Your Beloved” and picture yourself as the Beloved Son/Daughter that you are and bask in these words.

Did your heart leap out of your body when you heard those words? Copy and paste them and put them in a note on your iPhone. They are worth reading and/or listening to every morning. I do.

I’ve heard the accusation and I’ve heard the propaganda.

I’ve heard the lies they whispered to my soul. That I have been

forsaken and I’ll always be forgotten. No matter what I do it’s not enough.

But then I heard a voice as it opened up the heavens, reminding me

of who I’ve always been.

I am Your beloved, You have bought me with Your blood,

and on Your hand You’ve written out my name.

I am Your beloved, one the Father loves. Mercy has defeated all my shame.

The One Who knows me best, is the One Who loves me most.

There is nothing I have done that could change the Father’s love.

Do you feel it? God chose you!  And He loves us like no father we have ever experienced here on earth! This fact is at the center of our identity!   That is how I desire to see myself every morning when I wake up and every night as I lay my head down to sleep. The question is: Why don’t we see that?

Maybe we do, but we simply don’t believe it.

You see, everything we face in life starts with our identity and how we see ourselves.  If I see myself as someone who isn’t enough, who can’t seem to “get it right," then my thoughts create a narrative around that perspective to protect my heart.  Then my emotions are next. Feelings flow from our thoughts. Then my emotions take off and I find myself in either fight or flight mode.  This leads to my reactions and the train wreck ends in with me lashing out in my pain, numbing my pain with my drug of choice, or I retreat into despair because I’m listening to the Accuser whisper lies into my head.

Are you tired of this cycle? Does your heart want freedom?

Do you see how it all starts with identity?  

I am a Beloved Son of the King, clothed in His mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, who is called to live in peace and always be thankful. That’s me and that’s you!

Let's revisit a crucial fact: The Kingdom of God is here on earth. Right now. Why is that important to live out of every day?  Because we are created in the Father’s image to love and be loved.  

How do you get there? The answer is in these three questions every person has to answer:

  • WHO are you? 

  • How do you see yourself?  

  • What is blocking your view?

Our biggest hindrance stems from a false assumption of who we are. Think about the ugly duckling. When he saw himself from the perspective of those who were supposed to love him, all he could see was what he believed was an ugly duck. In reality, he was a beautiful swan. But, if you surround yourself with people who don't love you, the world will never see your beauty. 

Today’s challenge is to become fully aware of how God sees you and everything about His creation; it's all good. Stop for a moment and let that sink in. It’s OK if it takes some time! I want you to recognize every negative thought and feeling you have, then ask the Father to show you how He sees you.

When we look at ourselves as God does, our identity changes from a place of fear to a secure position of love which leads us to live from an authentic place. Not only are we seen, but we fully understand WHO WE ARE in Him. 

Be who God created you to be! - His Beloved Son/Daughter - and let that identity fill your life with joy, peace, and purpose.  Love others as you feel loved by Him. That’s the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth!


No Yeah But’s

