Do You Have a Sacred Companion?

This temporary life we live on earth while we are waiting to move on to our eternal home, can often times leave us feeling lonely, hopeless, and wondering, what it will take in order for “success” to come my way?

Is that the silent, unspoken narrative going on in your head? Take heart, friend! We can ALL identify with that unmet expectation and many of us spend decades wandering through an unfulfilled life searching for inner peace and never finding it.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is hope and a simple path! Simple? Come on, Steve!

Loving God, Self and Others

Jesus gave us two commandments that encapsulates the life he showed us how to live here on earth. Matthew 22:37-39 tells us to:

  1. “Love God”

  2. “Love yourself”

  3. “Love others”

Sounds simple enough, right? Here’s the key, though, that we often miss: We need companions on our spiritual journey. We can’t do this alone. We need safe, authentic and vulnerable people around us who can see our blindspots and speak Truth into us.

The modern world has taught us to value autonomy and individualism and our churches often see spirituality as personal and private. But we cannot go long in our Christian pilgrimage before realizing that isolation leads to spiritual barrenness.

David Benner, in his book “Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship Direction” says,

“How tragic it is when a person invests all his or her energy in knowing God and none in genuinely knowing him or herself. And how terrifying when such a person is in a position of leadership or influence. Christian maturity demands that we know God and ourselves, recognizing that deep knowing of each supports deeper knowing of the other.

We need companions on the Christian journey for a number of reasons. First among these is that the deep knowing of both self and God foundational to Christian spirituality demands deep knowing of and being known by others. Neither knowing God nor knowing self can progress very far apart from others who are able and willing to offer us help. Some spiritual friends offer us help in knowing ourselves, while others offer help in knowing God. The best offer us both. This is a central feature of the gift of a true spiritual friend."

But, what do I do if I don’t have someone who could be my sacred companion?

Be a safe and sacred companion!

This goes back to commandment #2 and the small print we miss that says, “ . . .as you love yourself.” The ministry of Bringing Kingdom is about seeing yourself as God sees you and living and loving out of your identity as a Beloved Son and Beloved Daughter. When we are in that space and we can talk about our brokenness and how God is transforming us - without shame - we are living an authentic life that attracts other believers. You will find the path to freedom and peace that will help you enjoy this temporary life we have until Jesus comes back.


Put On Love: On With the New